Well Baby Clinic

We deal with the total well-being of children & family. One of the important services offered is the provision of vaccination for childhood diseases. The clinic also provides an array of diagnostic & preventive services. Children are checked for age-appropriate growth & development.

At each visit pediatrician will check eyes, ears, heart, joints etc for any abnormalities. Infants are examined at 0, 1, 3, 6,10, 14 weeks, then at 6, 9, 12months. Subsequent visits are at 15 & 18months & then yearly till 6years of age. Testing & intervention is done at the earliest to prevent any damage.

Teenagers are screened for sports participation. We also provide parenting guidance to provide these young guns a bright future.

Parents usually ask…

A “well-baby clinic” is a service center, with emphasis on physical and mental hygiene and prophylaxis, where mothers are seen with their young, healthy infants and helped to understand and manage the infant’s unfolding maturation. It permits not only delivery of health care to the most precious section of human community but also allows education of the parents in the matter of their children’s health.

In your baby’s first year, every month brings changes: tiny smiles, budding teeth, and eventually, crawling and walking. During well-baby visits, your pediatrician will check for proper growth and development and answer your questions about eating, sleeping, and vaccinations.

This is extremely important as it can detect early changes in a child’s growth. Both growing too slowly or too fast may indicate a nutritional or other health problem. Therefore, growth monitoring is an essential part of primary health care in children.

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